Yesterday around 6 pm I set my trailer up at Two Lakes Campground in the Chequamegon–Nicolet National Forest. It’s a few miles from Drummond, Wisconsin. This is “Up North” . There are a couple of solar powered electric water spigots in the campground and a dump station. Not sure if I’ll go fishing. A fish dinner would be nice. If you aren’t wealthy and even if you are wealthy National Forest Campgrounds are great. This site costs me $12 a night. If you camp for a month at private campgrounds with full hookups at $40 to $60 a night it comes to $1200 to $1800 a month. Full time RVing can get pretty expensive.

The campground is between Owen Lake which has some motorized boat traffic and Bass Lake which is a small no wake lake. It’s difficult to get a photo of more of the lake because the forest is so thick.
I took a drive north through Ashland, Washburn, and Bayfield to Cornucopia. An old friend lives in Cornucopia. Ashland and Washburn are small cities on Lake Superior and sit in low, not beautiful spots. Bayfield is hilly and beautiful. A ferry runs from Bayfield to Madeline Island. Because of the beauty and ferry it’s very touristy and it’s hard to find a parking spot in a town of 497 people.

Much of the shoreline north of Bayfield and west to Cornucopia is part of the Apostle Islands National Shoreline. Madeline Island is not part of the National Shoreline because it was too expensive for the Fed. to purchase.

In the distance of the above photo is a spot people hike to in the winter to view “ice caves”.