Tuesday, December 17, 2024

This post is for my sisters.

Each painting has a number. Please pick the painting you like the most and pick a backup painting. I want to give each of you a painting as a Christmas present. There are 3 pairs of paintings. Betty, Kristi is getting Number 11 for her birthday so you might not want Number 8 which is close to identical.

You may not want any of these paintings. If you don’t please be honest about it. Maybe sometime in the future, I’ll paint something you might want to hang up in your home.

So send a text only to me saying which one you like the most and which one you like second best.


Friday, December 6, 2024 b

Finished Still Life 13. Before Monday I need to finish all of my original group of still life paintings. They need to dry for at least a week before I “oil out” all of them before I give them away. The oiling out will make all of them look better. The backgrounds have all “sunk” at least a little bit. Rubbing them with a little linseed oil will give them that luxurious oil painting look.