Friday, September 15, 2022

Went to the same area of the San Juan River this morning, between Texas Hole and the Upper Flats. As always big trout can be seen but this morning there were not many rises. This afternoon we went to a spot new to me between Texas Hole and Munoz. Beautiful spot with some faster current in areas. I caught two nice rainbows on a San Juan Worm which is a fly that imitates a short red worm.

The dam in the distance
Where I caught a couple fish
Me where I caught a couple
Bill changing flies
Bill casting to rising fish at sunset

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Yesterday when I drove down Dodge City’s busiest street to get to my hotel I noticed one Mexican restaurant after another and the restaurant’s signs were entirely in Spanish. I was curious so I looked up Dodge City’s demographics. Dodge City is 68% Hispanic. I don’t care one way or another.

This morning south of Dodge City I went west on two lane Highway 56 for over 130 miles. The road paralleled railroad tracks which are on the north side of the road. There were vast fields of Milo which is Grain Sorghum. Milo is fed to livestock. I drove past three huge feed lots holding I don’t know how many head of cattle. The cattle’s future are less than bright. Every so many miles would be large grain silos adjacent to the tracks and a few blocks of very small homes which had seen better days were on the other side of the highway. There might be a school and or a small lot of cars for sale. Sometimes there would be a diner or a bar or a little store.

Hand written
Huge Feed Lot

The Great Depression and Dust Bowl have always interested me. Years ago I read a pretty good book called The Worst Hard Time which is about the dust bowl. The author picked a town named Boise City, Oklahoma as ground zero of the Dust Bowl and retold stories from that area. Boise City is in Oklahoma’s panhandle not far from New Mexico. Driving through Boise City has been on my Bucket List. It’s way down on the list. Today I drove through. It ain’t pretty. I wanted to take a picture of its old town hall but it looks to have been rebuilt after WWII.

Friday, September 9, 2022

This morning I visited NLBM, The Negro League Baseball Museum in Kansas City, Missouri. It was a Bucket List item. It appears to be in an area which was a vibrant African American Neighborhood.

The Gem Theater is across the street.

Hank Aaron

The Kansas City Art Museum is called The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Front of the art museum

Paul Rudd says The Z-Man Sandwich at Joe’s Kansas City BBQ is the best sandwich in the world so I stopped. I wanted the daily special which was the burnt end dinner but I’ve had that before. Went with the Z-Man.It was really good. Joe’s is big and it was packed at 11:30 with locals which included 6 State Patrol Officers.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Woke up an hour and a half early so I got an early start. Checked into a hotel in Cameron, Missouri at around 4:30. Got 87 octane gasoline in southern Iowa for $3.37 which is what I paid in this area in 2018 on my first trips after I retired. The Negro League Baseball Hall of Fame in Kansas City is an hour away and opens at 10 am tomorrow so I’ll get a good rest after somewhat of a long day.

I don’t think monarchies should exist but I liked Queen Elizabeth.

Monday, August 29, 2022

In a week and a half I’ll be heading back to the San Juan River in northwest New Mexico for the fourth time I think. This time a friend and I have rented a house in a little town about twenty minutes from the river and have rented a fishing guide for the first day we will be fishing. I’ve always caught fish on the San Juan but could do a lot better with a guide. I’m tying a lot of tiny flies.

These are flies that work on the San Juan
Midges the trout eat on my waders

Monday, August 15, 2022

On Wednesday, September 7th I’ll start heading back to the San Juan River in northwest New Mexico for a solid five days of fishing. It’s a 4 day drive. I could drive it in three days but why wear myself out? This will be my 4th time fishing this incredible river. I’ll start fishing Sunday, September 11 and will leave on Friday, September 16.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Haven’t been doing a whole lot except exploring the beautiful Driftless Area. Last night I had a good visit with a married couple I knew in the mid 70s. I was very good friends with him back then. They retired from a Chicago suburb to about 10 miles from where I’m camped in La Farge. So strange that he ended up being a tool and die mold guy just like me.