Friday, May 12, 2023

The weather was perfect today, mid-70s, and the wind died. I fished for 4 hours. The water has cleared quite a bit but is still a bit milky. I caught a couple of smaller rainbows and had what looked to be a huge brown on very briefly. I saw it broadside and it broke me off.

A better shot of my campsite

Thursday, May 11, 2023

More photos, less text

Bank of river in campground
Fishing pier in campground
Bank of river in campground
My bathroom about 50 yards from my trailer
Behind the bathroom
River behind the bathroom
Locals enjoying the river
Two miles from my campground
I loved Abe’s but Abe died a few years ago
The four miles of river below the dam is called “The Quality Waters”
In boot camp, they told us to lineup “Nut to Butt”
Near Texas Hole
Taken from the top of the dam
Where I fish. Taken from the road that traverses the face of the dam
Downstream a couple of miles but still ‘The Quality Waters”

Wednesday pm, May 10, 2023

I fixed my black tank drain tube support. You don’t need that tube breaking. Switched to steel instead of aluminum.

the wire got me through the last two days of travel
aluminum didn’t last two days
a vice would be nice but not practical
all steel now and screws and nuts have red Loctite

I forgot to mention to myself that on Sunday my F150 went over 100,000 miles. When it needs work it’s expensive but a great vehicle.

Wednesday, May 10,2023

As you can see by Monday’s photo of my campsite it is spring here. There are some large turkeys in the campground. Plants are budding. The banks of the river look very different to me.

Large bodies of water have a thermocline which is a separation of colder water under warmer water. I guess in the fall and spring there will be a thermocline turnover. I read that is what is going on in Navajo Lake, the reservoir above the dam. Water constantly flows under the dam. That water is the San Juan River. The water now coming from under the dam is very milky and the river is low. The fish are still there but I haven’t been able to see one. I didn’t catch any fish. Usually if you stand still for a while you will see fish. They aren’t that afraid of people.

I drove four long days to get here. Yesterday I fished and drove to Aztec to grocery shop and get a couple of small pieces of steel for a repair. Today I’m going to kinda relax and recover. I’m not going to turn a trip into a job. My trailer and truck are horrible messes that need to be straightened out. I’ll putter around with that. There isn’t a hurry but I need to repair a couple of things on my trailer. Might as well get that out of the way.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Drove from Eagle Nest which is roughly 30 miles east of Taos to Navajo Lake State Park in northwest New Mexico where I’ll be camped for the next two weeks. About 10 miles west of Taos is the Rio Grande River Gorge over which runs the Rio Grande River Gorge Bridge. When a car is approaching the bridge bounces a little. The first time is a little bit of a surprise.

The drive across northern New Mexico is one of my favorites.

My campsite for the next two weeks. Fishing tomorrow!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Arrived and set up camp at Eagle Nest State Park in northeast New Mexico. Usually in my trailer, I take a “Navy Shower” where you get wet, turn off the water, suds up, turn the water back on and rinse off. Tonight, after three long days of driving I took a “Hollywood” which is a regular shower with the water running at all times. Eagle Nest’s elevation is 8200 feet. It will be about 31 degrees tonight. It’s super windy and very dry. Tomorrow is a five-hour drive to where I’ll be camped for 14 days. I’ll dump my tanks and then fill my 36-gallon potable water tank before setting up camp. Last year I bought a ten-gallon tank with wheels so I can empty my gray water tank every day so I can take a Hollywood every day. It wasn’t expensive.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Just finished setting up at North Sterling State Park in northeast Colorado. There is a reservoir here the locals use for boating and fishing. I think this is my fourth year camping here and it’s the first time I’ve been able to see the reservoir without taking a hike down to it. Tree trunks are partially covered by water. About a mile from the park entrance is where water flows out of the reservoir and that was dry. It’s the only time I’ve seen the spillway without water flowing out. I guess they are holding it in.

When I arrived here the support for my blackwater tank drain tube was once again broken. The last time I repaired it with 1/8″ aluminum. It didn’t last two days. The constant vibration of the drive breaks it. I just temporarily repaired it with 1/8″ coated copper wire. That works well but doesn’t look very professional. When I get to Aztec, New Mexico I’ll have to find some steel at a hardware store. I have the tools to cut, drill, and tap it. That should solve that problem.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Made it to the Adrian, Minnesota campground. First day of the trip and everything worked well. I increased the psi of my trailer and truck tires, slowed down 5 mph, and increased my mileage from 11 mpg to 12.6 mpg. Until I got to Minnesota I was getting 13.5 mpg but after climbing the bluffs on the Minnesota side of the Mississippi River I was facing a strong wind.

Friday, April 28, 2023

A week from today I’ll head out for the first night of my trip near the Minnesota/South Dakota border.

Finished tying flies. The flies I’ll be using.

Monday, April 17, 2023

This will be the sixth season with my inexpensive trailer. Cheap trailer is more accurate. It’s a little surprizing that such a cheap trailer which has everything is still performing like almost new. I think at some point the equipment like the furnace, fridge, A/C, water pump etc., will still work but the overall structure will start to fall apart.

My trailer is stored about twenty miles inland from Lake Michigan. The next two nights will get below-freezing inland. There were about four gallons of water in my trailer’s water system so yesterday I drained the water so I wouldn’t end up with damaged and leaking equipment. Kinda like a SpaceX wet rehearsal. Also, put a quarter cup of gas in each generator and ran them dry. They are running great. If I don’t run them dry the gas will evaporate in the carburetors and they won’t run well until I run some Seafoam through them.