Tuesday, September 26, 2023

My Bluehost subscription is going to expire. I’ll be selling my trailer. There’s no reason to post the steps of my paintings. So there’s no reason to continue posting and no reason to pay Bluehost to continue maintaining this domain. This is my last post.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Woke up at 4:30 for some reason so I started painting early

Worked on Landscape 3. I didn’t like the unrealistic-looking dark clouds so I covered them with a base cloud layer. Quite a bit of work to do on all areas of the painting.

Did some work on the clouds of Landscape 2.

Monday, September 18, 2023 b

The large, bold landscapes I’m working on are not meant to be realistic landscape paintings. Some of my favorite art is California Impressionism. Also, I like Georgia O’Keefe’s and Maynard Dixon’s landscapes, American Modernism landscapes, and some American Regionalism landscapes. California Impressionism and American Regionalism were active during the Depression. Thomas Hart Benton was an American Regionalist. I think Jackson Pollack studied under him.

I am attempting to do realistic still-life paintings.