Worked on the linen of Still Life 5. I’ll probably rework the linen once more before covering it with a colored glaze. The onion, radishes, radish greens, summer squash, bottle, and flour shifter won’t take very long to paint.

Worked on the linen of Still Life 5. I’ll probably rework the linen once more before covering it with a colored glaze. The onion, radishes, radish greens, summer squash, bottle, and flour shifter won’t take very long to paint.
Worked on the linen and soda bottle of Still Life 3. Probably work on the linen one more time before covering the linen with a brownish transparent glaze.
Worked on the middle and foreground of Landscape 3. Not sure yet what I’ll do with the sky.
Worked on the middle ground of Landscape 3. Saved the paint to do more work on this painting tonight or tomorrow. My eyes get tired after an hour or two which isn’t the worst thing. I just take a break or quit.
Painted the middle and foreground of Landscape 6 to get it all roughed in and get rid of the white. It will take a few more sessions to finish this painting.
Worked on all of the middle and foreground of Landscape 7 and did a little work on the clouds. I probably need to paint the middle and foreground two more times.
Worked on the linen of Still Life 3. Will probably paint the linen one more time in a couple of days before letting it dry for a week or two before glazing the linen.
Since October 3rd I’ve been waiting for my eyes to recover enough to start painting again. Maybe I’ll be able to paint tomorrow.
For the last 7 weeks, I’ve been using the Artificial Intelligence program MidJourney to generate reference photos.
I intend to paint the following images.
I didn’t like the AI-generated sky in Landscape 3 so I just put a thin layer of white over almost all of it. I think I’ll paint stratus clouds.
Glazed the background of Still Life 2 with Transparent Brown Oxide and French Ultramarine Blue. I’ll probably glaze it one more time before finishing the table and objects of the painting.