For several years I’ve been following an artist on YouTube, drawmixpaint. He also has a website A person could learn how to paint well from his videos. Recently he has been painting landscapes using AI-generated reference material. Yesterday I subscribed to MidJourney the Artificial Intelligence App he uses. Ten dollars a month. MidJourney is strictly for generating AI art. You can specify what you want in the finished image, how realistic, a style, etc., and an aspect ratio.
For the following five landscapes, I requested a painting of a California landscape with rolling hills, cumulonimbus clouds, oak trees in the foreground, mountains in the background, and in the style of William Wendt and Maynard Dixon. It creates 4 images that you can adjust and download. Pretty amazing.
For this one I requested a view of Kansas farmland on an overcast day in the fall.
For the next three I requested a photo of a crystal clear stream with a rocky bottom.
These were done on my first day with the software. There is a lot for me to learn. Imagine what can be done with this software.