Finished and signed Still Life 6.
Worked on Still Lifes 11 and 12.
Finished and signed Still Life 6.
Worked on Still Lifes 11 and 12.
Worked on Still Life 6.
Worked on all of Still Life 6. Only details remain.
Worked on Still Life 6. I changed the wine glass shadow which will have to be done again because the old shadow shows through. Other than that all that remains is some work on the wine glass stem and base, the table, and some details. Almost finished.
I just realized the wine bottle shadow is totally going in the wrong direction. That won’t be difficult to fix the next time.
Worked on Still Life 6. This is close to being finished. The stem and base of the wine glass need some work along with some details.
Instead of just painting the table of Still Life 6, I painted every part of the painting. It will probably take one more session and then finishing details.
Worked on Still Life 6.
Worked on all of Still Life 6. I intended to do similar parts of several paintings but ended up working on all of Still Life 6. I think there will be one more session where I’ll work on all of the painting and then one or two detail sessions. I need to start having a painting session at night as well as in the morning to double my production. This photo has a lot of glare.
Started Still Life 6.
Still Life 6