Went north a little over an hour into Montana to visit The Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument. They are taking COVOD-19 very seriously. Every other parking space is blocked. There is a sign instructing visitors to wear masks. Of course men were going into the bathroom without masks, tough guys.
The black marker is Custer’s marker. Custer’s brother’s marker is a little further down the hill.
Arrived at Tie Flume Campground in The Big Horn Mountains and Big Horn National Forest. The campground is at 8400 feet. The South Tongue River runs through the campground. It’s a beautiful river full of fish, 4000 to 5000 fish every mile. They are beautiful Brown Trout but almost all are very small, fun for a while.
I’m camped for tonight at North Sterling State Park just north of Sterling Colorado where I stopped for one night a few days after I retired two years ago. Pretty flat country around the park but the park is a little higher in elevation. Each site has a picnic table with a windbreak next to it. Right now it’s 90 degrees but there is a pleasant breeze. Can’t upload a photo cause of the lack of WiFi.
Staying tonight at a KOA campground just west of Omaha. Not my style but there aren’t many camping opportunities around Omaha. They sure pack em in here. Tomorrow night I’ll be camped for a night at North Sterling State Park in northeast Colorado.
When I was in northeast Iowa around Mount Vernon there were many damaged and destroyed silos and cornfields with corn bent at about a 45 degree angle. Then I remembered a Derecho went through Iowa a couple of days ago. Just saw on the local news that over a million acres of corn and soybeans were destroyed. The streets of Mount Vernon were lined with tree branches waiting for pick up.